How winter and coolness affects on human health

How winter and coolness affects on human health
It is noted that health problems rises significantly at low temperatures, in particular, as deaths from heart disease rises in the winter.

With low temperatures in winter, the risk of rising number of health ailments, especially in the elderly. It is more of the things that affect them cold and low temperatures, are:

  •     The immune system
  •     Heart
  •     Balance
  •     Skin
  •     The degree of body heat
  •     asthma
  •     Sister or migraines
  •     arthritis

In order to understand the impact of heat and falling on each of the previous things, the following details to you.

1.Immune System: 

the immune system is in danger of winter than other seasons, it is exposed to attacks of influenza viruses, and other diseases such as colds and cold. Where people tend in the winter to stay in the closed as possible to escape the cold, thus increasing the chances of the spread of each of these infectious diseases dramatically among people! In order to avoid the incidence of these infectious diseases is important to do the following matters:
  •     Take the necessary vaccinations against influenza (consult a doctor)
  •     Wash your hands constantly with soap and water
  •     Use tissue paper when sneezing, in the absence of their presence should sneeze into the elbow area when not stop!

2. Heart: 

the risk of heart disease rises dramatically during the winter, especially when temperatures drop significantly, which cause cold in the narrowing of blood vessels thereby raising the risk of heart disease. It is worth mentioning that the incidence of heart attack rises too especially when there is snow, so as a result of trying to remove it without feeling any symptoms of infection heart! Here it is worth attention on this matter because of its significant risk to human health!

3. Balance: 

What is the balance here? A lot of people lose their balance in the winter because of the accumulated water on the ground, in addition to the snow, sometimes while walking, thereby causing their fall to the ground and thus raise the risk of fractures. From here we advise you to stay away from slippery places as much as possible in order to preserve your safety, especially for those who suffer from osteoporosis (Osteoporosis).

4. Skin: 

cold weather and low temperatures in the winter works to absorb moisture from your skin, leaving them dry and cracked in some cases. To avoid this we recommend using a moisturizer that contains oil to block moisture evaporation process.

5. Degree Of Body Temperature: 

some older people become infected and children, particularly in the winter when temperatures drop significantly, the so-called low temperature Small- hypothermia, where the body temperature for this category sometimes drop to below 35 degrees Celsius , so impressive on the different organs of the body. Also it causes continuous exposure to extreme cold to raise the risk of lower body temperature to the holy. Note that normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius.

6. Sister Or Migraines: 

There are several things that will stimulate the sister or the so-called migraines, Among these factors are changes in the pattern of sleep and wake, hormonal changes and environmental changes! It is worth noting that some people who suffer from headaches are sensitive to the direction of the vagaries of weather and thermal degrees of changes, such as high temperatures or low, wind, and high humidity.

from where temperature fluctuations that occur imbalance in the balance of chemicals in the brain such as Al serotonin- serotonin, it is working to organize the transfer of pain signals, thus stimulating sister.

7. Asthma: 

the low temperatures affect asthma patients, it makes it worse. Therefore necessary to take medication to control asthma and to ensure the existence of dissident manual (Inhaler) constantly your possession, and tried to breath from your nose instead of the mouth, the nose, where work on the heating and air moisturizing. We recommend you also snapped the necessary precautions when you exit from the enclosed space to the outside and warm by placing the scarf on the nose and mouth.

8. Arthritis: 

Although few studies that talk about the effect of low temperatures on the arthritis, but it is known that the weather changes and temperatures affect the pressure on the joints, where low temperatures increase the pressure on the joints, causing so the so anyone who suffers from infections! Therefore to avoid contracting this pain is necessary to do Association Heated body, from toe to head, maintained the proper temperature in the house.

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