Natural remedies and tips to make hair grow faster

Natural remedies and tips to make hair grow faster

For women it is essential that your hair look beautiful and healthy; but the dream of many women is to have a hair that besides being cute, is long and strong. We have the mistaken belief that it is hard to get our hair grow naturally and quickly so that reason leads us to use powerful chemical and plenty to do (not to mention the high cost thereof); What would you think if you say you can do your hair grow quickly without thinking about the high costs of chemicals? Then I will give you a few simple tricks with which you allow your hair is healthy and nourished from the root and thus grow quickly.

Natural remedies and tips to make hair grow faster

  • Aloe Vera

This excellent plant is known for its many benefits in terms of skin and body as a focal point for our subject the hair as it helps us to keep it strong, shiny and healthy growth also helping. How to use it? You can cut out the stalk of aloe vera crystal, cut into pieces and left in water overnight; the next day you use the water to wash your hair. If you use several times a week you will notice positive results for your hair.

  • Potato water

The pope is known for its high nutrient content which in this case can leverage on behalf of our hair, how to do it? It's very simple only takes place them peels potatoes to boil water, then let stand cooking until the water is warm, and wash your hair normally uses water for the final rinse. If you use two or three times a week you will see positive results in the short term.

  • Egg whites

Although there are many people who believe that this method is not effective, it should be noted that the egg is a source of proteins essential for the body plus the amount of vitamins in this case benefit our hair and growth, with this simple mask accelerate the hair growth. Party withdraws few eggs yolks, whisk the egg whites apply this mask leave on for 30 minutes and then wash your hair normally immediately notice the positive change in your hair, use it 2 times a week to achieve results quickly.

  • Hair oil

One of the biggest problems in the hair is dry, occasionally generated by chemicals, environmental pollution and the abuse as to heat the dryers and irons. If you want your hair look healthy and moisturized using a generous weekly mask olive oil and place over a slightly warm towel, remove it cools the towel and let the oil until the next day. This mask provides moisture to the hair and generates healthy growth time.

  • Onion

It is a plant known for its health benefits and hair have great results. It acts in the hair follicles of the scalp which promotes greater blood flow to the body. To use this plant you can do it in different ways: in masks to massage the scalp by mixing it with honey or cut into regular shampoo and use it 3 or 4 times a week. In this way you strengthen your hair and grow so quickly.

  • Rosemary

This herb has stimulant properties that awakens the scalp and makes hair grow. You can use an infusion as a rinse and place, or in oil or vinegar. This plant provides nutrients that accelerate hair growth in addition to keeping you healthy.

In addition to applying these excellent natural remedies that will help to stimulate hair growth, it is also good to keep in mind the following tips for best results.
  1.     Brush your hair twice daily to stimulate circulation in your scalp and stimulate hair growth.
  2.     It includes in the diet foods rich in protein such as fish, eggs, and meat.
  3.     Renounces all hair products that are based on silicons, as they tend to create the illusion of healthy hair, but long-term moisture and prevent clog follicles preventing growth.
  4.     Avoid brushing your hair when wet, as it is a time when the hair is vulnerable and prone to damage.
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