how to prevent a heart attack or stroke

how to prevent a heart attack or stroke

Cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks or strokes are very common. Surely you know one or more people who have suffered or even died for them. The interesting thing is that most are preventable.
The best way to prevent cardiovascular problems understands what causes them. And it is important to be informed because cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 17.5 million people died from them in 2012.
This represents 31% of all causes of death. Of these, 7.4 million were caused by coronary artery disease (heart arteries) and 6.7 million were due to stroke (stroke, stroke or stroke). The good news is that most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented, so there are several things you can do to reduce your risk of suffering. Obviously the first step is to have the right information and act responsibly in terms of your health.
Of course, there are certain factors that can increase our risk of diseases such as heart attacks or strokes that are not in our hands, I mean genetics. If we have the genetic predisposition (i.e., through the genes) of cardiovascular problems, we can lower your chances with our actions, but not totally avoided. On the other hand, our way of life depends on us and that can significantly influence if we develop a heart attack and / or stroke or stroke. What do I mean? What we eat, whether we exercise, whether or not we smoke, if we maintain a healthy weight, if we take alcohol in excess or not, if we control our stress levels, blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol in the blood.

Here 9 specific things you can do to protect yourself:

1. Stay informed: And not just mean the developments of science. This begins with the information in your family. So you know your risk of developing cardiovascular disease is important to know who in your family has had heart attacks, strokes or strokes and at what age. Or, if they had a coronary angioplasty procedure to "stents" or bypass (bypass) to prevent a heart attack. And who has had high blood pressure, diabetes and / or high cholesterol.

2. Avoid smoking if you smoke, try to quit. Avoid snuff in other ways. It is not healthy. Also, try to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.

3. Try a healthy diet. Selecting fruits and vegetables, whole grains, limiting saturated and trans fats (selecting healthy fats like olive, canola, nuts, seeds and avocados); choosing fatty fish high in omega 3), lean meats, poultry and dairy nonfat or low-fat. And do not forget legumes such as beans or beans and limit the amount of salt.

4. Try to maintain a healthy weight. Limits the size of your portions. Obesity contributes not only to cardiovascular disease but other chronic problems such as diabetes, arthritis, sleep apnea and depression. And remember that physical activity helps you achieve this goal.

5. Try to stay active. Try to incorporate exercise into your daily life. If you do something you like it is easier to do it regularly. Just walk 2 miles a day could be enough, and you do not have to walk the 2 miles once. Of course it is better if you can do at least 30 minutes to 60 minutes of exercise most days.

6. Check your blood pressure. If it's high, be sure to control hypertension (high blood pressure). On a low-salt diet and take medicines prescribed by your doctor. High blood pressure can cause no symptoms and it is important to measure to determine if high and whether is under control.

7. Check your blood sugar in the blood. Whether you have prediabetes or diabetes, both increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. If your diabetes is not controlled and your A1C is above 7, your risk of cardiovascular complications increase that you develop. Many people have no symptoms when your blood sugar is high. It is very important to check at home as directed by your doctor and attend your visits with him or her regularly. But if you do not know your levels of blood sugar and you have 45 years or more or, at any age, if you have the typical symptoms of diabetes (extreme thirst, increased frequency with which you go to the bathroom, very hungry and fatigue) it is important that you review the A1C or fasting blood sugar.

8. Check your level of blood cholesterol. As in the case of high blood pressure typically has no symptoms, however, when elevated can be deposited inside the arteries, forming plaques that can get to cover them or a piece of that plaque can break off and can reach clog an artery (a glass) smaller preventing blood flow and cause a heart attack or stroke. Speaking of prevention, if cholesterol is high, there are medications that lower level to prevent plaques from forming or, if isles removing plates.

9. Try to reduce stress. Stress contributes to cardiovascular disease. It makes some hormones that cause us to be able to alert the heart race, in order to be released. This is especially true if the stress is chronic. We all have a certain amount of stress in daily life, but there are things we can do to reduce stress such as exercise, yoga, try getting enough sleep, spend time with family (obviously if you have a good relationship with your family) have good friends that we have fun and we laugh, learn to meditate. If you can, try to avoid people and situations that cause you stress
A heart attack or stroke is a warning signal late. The diagnosis of cardiovascular disease scares anyone. As I always say "prevention is better than cure" There are simple things we can do to help keep our heart healthy! If you do not know your family history be sure to ask your parents and grandparents today not only about cardiovascular history, but about other diseases and write them down. It is important that you share your doctor or health care provider.
As for your heart, pay attention to the points mentioned. Your lifestyle today has an impact on your health today and in the future. Start investing in you. Improve your lifestyle and if you have not checked your blood pressure, your sugar and your blood cholesterol, ask your doctor whether you should do it and how often you should. This depends on your age and family history. Of course, we are talking about prevention as it is different when someone has symptoms.

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