Natural ways to clean the skin

Natural ways to clean the skin
To clean the skin and remove dirt and fat deposited skin give you a range of natural means you can rely on both the face wash with soap and water. These detergents are on the other hand feed the skin and improves their flexibility and vitality.

Cold milk of the easiest and most effective means to clean the skin is the use of a milk cleaner it fits dry skin in particular. For this purpose, wet piece of cotton in cold milk and scrub the skin.

Yogurt and white mask: 

Ingredients: - egg 4-5 tablespoons yogurt

METHODS: - hits the whiteness even hold together a little then add the yogurt and mix the two well.

Usage: Apply the mixture on the face and neck and leave for 15 minutes and wipe the skin with hot water and then with cold water using a cotton cloth.
For oily skin: add a mixture of a teaspoon of lemon juice.
 Dry Skin: added to the mixture a teaspoon of honey.

Mask cleanser for oily skin: -

Ingredients: ¼ cup oatmeal powder + ½ cup yogurt +2 teaspoon lemon juice.

Way: by mixing oatmeal with yogurt mixture and stir well.

Usage: Rub the mixture on the neck and face and leave for 30 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water genitive lemon juice.

Cleanser for dry skin: - Mask

Ingredients: ½ teaspoon brewer's yeast +1 teaspoon honey + ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar + tablespoon of precious +2 lecithin + milk

Method: Add all ingredients to each and mix well

Usage: light layer of olive oil or sesame oil on the skin and then placed above the previous mask leave for 15-20 minutes then rinse with milk diluted with water are placed

Combination Skin Cleanser (composite or double)

Ingredients: orange juice + milk milk + honey bees naturally in equal proportions ..

Way: Add the ingredients to each other and mix well

Usage: painted face and massage the mixture well for 3 minutes and then leave it on your face for 20 minutes then rinse with water Duffy then cool water to close the pores and you can put your Tonic clutch of pores or rose water.

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